“Talking to God with friends gives us hope”

BY EMMA STONEHOUSE “Talking to God with friends gives us hope.” This is what a group of teenage mothers in Brazil said about the value of being part of Viva’s movement of prayer for children in early June. They were among more than one million people from across the globe who joined together in the […]

Innovation at home and abroad

Viva is blessed with so many dedicated and creative supporters. This year, Patsy (a longstanding Viva enthusiast who was a Trustee for a number of years) had the vision to set up a pop-up second hand fashion boutique called Fashion with Compassion to raise money for a particular project in Zimbabwe – all about greenhouses!

Global Goals Week: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being

Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being at all ages. This is number three of seventeen UN Sustainable Development Goals launched by the UN last year. Perhaps it is unsurprising that this goal strikes a chord with Viva’s vision to see children grow up ‘safe, well and fulfilling their God-given potential’.