Zoom youth work takes off

Hannah Woods writes about how our Oxford-based partner network’s experiences of virtual youth work have gone global and led to greater collaboration than ever expected. “The impact of the pandemic on some children and young people will be far-reaching, and it will be essential that the right services are there to support them. The crisis […]

Known and accepted

BY CHARLOTTE PEARSON-MILES One unexpected silver lining of moving our Oxford-based youth work online has been the greater contact we’ve had with parents (who have had to fill out parental consent forms and help children access our Zoom groups safely). Pre-lockdown, much of Doorsteps’ youth work took place via school. We were well placed to […]

Mental health: helping young people flourish

BY ANDREW DUBOCK The mental health challenges of our children and young people can feel like a hopeless situation. One in eight 5 to 19 year olds has a diagnosable mental health condition, yet only a quarter of these have had contact with specialists in the past year. This statistic, released by NHS Digital in […]

The joy of working with young people

BY HANNAH BARR Christmas is increasingly associated with stress and striving, the overwhelming desire to have a celebration that is Instagram-ready. An artsy Christmas card featuring the whole family in matching festive pyjamas? A dinner spread to rival Nigella? And the presents under the tree to materially express your love for them? I like joy […]