Resilience in uncertainty

How do you break the cycle of violence and abuse against children in a city where things are seemingly getting worse, not better? Kay Lorentz from Resilient Kids in Cape Town, South Africa says Viva’s collaborative model through the Connect Network is crucial in shaping children’s futures. For the majority of children in South Africa, […]

Exploring the hidden curriculum

BY HANNAH BARR Another year and another cohort of young people have completed ‘Find your fire’, Doorsteps’ ten-month programme for helping young people at risk of disengaging identify what they are good at, what they feel passionately about, to attach value to those things, and help them look at ways of developing in them. Sarah […]

Please Like This Blog. My Self-Worth Depends On It.

BY HANNAH BARR What was your first experience of the internet? I don’t know if this was my first experience, but I remember being about nine or ten and having to do a school project on a European city and searching the web for everything it could tell me about Amsterdam. I proudly presented my […]