Flood relief for Patna families

More than 750 vulnerable families in Patna, India, hardest hit by extensive flooding following the heaviest monsoon floods in 25 years, are receiving emergency relief from Viva’s partner network in the city. Essential food, shelter, mosquito nets and medical care will help 758 families, comprising 3,500 children, women and men. Our local network of churches […]

A fresh way of thinking

Last year, Viva India ran child protection training in 119 schools, reaching around 850 adults and almost 11,000 children in six cities. The programme, which ensures schools fully comply with the Indian government’s child protection guidelines, has gained Viva a reputation for delivering high quality training. Two teachers at schools in Patna, in Bihar state, […]

Local saints: Sister Veena’s story

Sister Veena draws her inspiration from Jesus, who walked from village to village proclaiming good news to the poor, the outcast, and the neglected. She leads an organisation in Patna, India that protects children in vulnerable situations, particularly those of travelling migrant workers, many of whom have drug and gambling addictions. Becoming part of Viva’s […]

Beauty for ashes

Named after an inspirational women’s leader from the past, a slum in the Indian city of Patna is home today to a new band of girls who are being empowered by Viva to change their futures, as Fran Hall writes. Dalit Noun: A member of the lowest caste in the traditional Indian caste system. Literal […]

Light in dark places

  BY ANNA COX Understanding and action: How Viva’s partner network in Patna is developing girls as rights advocates Every 18 months, we gather together with our colleagues from around the world to share experiences, develop strategy and build relationships. During our most recent international team meetings, I had the privilege of interviewing Devesh Lal […]

Empowering Patna’s girls

  BY ANDREW DUBOCK It leaves a lump in my throat and a knot in my stomach. Poverty at its most raw: unstable shelters deep in stagnant water, malnourished babies, hundreds of people accessing one well of unclean water, children with leprosy. It’s particularly hard to hear about the situation for girls, who are most […]