Freed: Hope and Mary’s Story

Filipino sisters, Hope and Mary, were trapped in one of the growing number of cases of online sexual exploitation which occur each year across the world. Thanks, however, to the work of Viva’s partner network, PCMN, they were rescued and freed from their exploitation, as Emma Stonehouse writes. PCMN, our partner network in the Philippines, […]

World champion fights to protect children in the Philippines

BY ANDREW DUBOCK Newly-crowned Ju-Jitsu world champion Meggie Ochoa is lending her support to the programme run by Viva’s partner network PCMN to eliminate online sexual exploitation of children in the Philippines. Meggie is the first-ever Filipino – and Asian – to win a gold medal at the Ju-Jitsu International Federation World Championships. She also […]

Light and life for Filipino children

Thousands of children in the Philippines are affected by the murky world of online sexual exploitation. Andrew Dubock travels to the country to find the light and hope that our partner network is offering. A teddy bear. A symbol of childhood, of innocence, of security. However, for Angela, a 12-year-old from the Philippines, her favourite […]