In transition

BY JANE TRAVIS As Viva’s partner network, CRANE, promotes better family-based care for children in Uganda, what is the reaction of Child Care Institutions (CCIs) to this message of reintegration? Jane Travis visited Kampala to find out.   “Breakthrough!” “An epiphany moment!” “A blessing!” It was encouraging to hear these positive responses as I met […]

Ensuring these girls’ stories are different

They speak confidently and show independence in their learning. These girls are certainly not what many people would associate with the word ‘disability’. I am at the Mukisa Foundation – a member of CRANE, Viva’s partner network in Kampala – to see the difference it is making to the lives of girls with special needs. […]

Mobile libraries and missing shoes

Reflecting on his recent visit to Uganda, Viva’s Monitoring and Evaluation Manager Martin Hull writes about some of the people he met, stories he heard and sights he saw – and the impact our partner network CRANE is making for vulnerable children. Here are some snippets of what he wrote.