Global Goals Week: Gender Equality

Goal 5 of the Sustainable Development Goals focuses on Gender Equality. Gender norms and practices continue to hinder opportunities for women and girls worldwide. The targets under this goal go far deeper than the Millennium Development Goal (MGD) equivalent. In 2000, Goal 3 of the MDGs was to ‘Promote gender equality and empower women’. This […]

Global Goals Week: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being

Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being at all ages. This is number three of seventeen UN Sustainable Development Goals launched by the UN last year. Perhaps it is unsurprising that this goal strikes a chord with Viva’s vision to see children grow up ‘safe, well and fulfilling their God-given potential’.  

Global Goals Week: Blog Series Introduction

This week, whilst leaders worldwide gather in New York City for the UN General Assembly the UN is launching Global Goals Week to be an annual week of ‘action, awareness and accountability’ of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These goals were agreed in September 2015 by 93 countries who aim to achieve them by 2030. […]