Samantha’s story

Meet Samantha: a remarkable young woman who is achieving her dreams thanks to a programme run by Viva and CRANE, our partner network in Uganda. Discover how she is also now helping other girls to follow their passions too. The opportunities for a Ugandan girl accessing education are threatened by many factors, poverty and death […]

Life off the highway

Intrepid fundraising cyclist Gary Kamaal – who, by day, is Viva’s Senior Network Consultant in India – reflects on how he was spurred on by what he saw whilst riding for over 1,000 km from Delhi to Kathmandu in support of Viva’s girls’ anti-trafficking programme. As we left the hustle and bustle of Agra and […]

Beauty for ashes

Named after an inspirational women’s leader from the past, a slum in the Indian city of Patna is home today to a new band of girls who are being empowered by Viva to change their futures, as Fran Hall writes. Dalit Noun: A member of the lowest caste in the traditional Indian caste system. Literal […]

“I’m unstoppable”

BY BECCA MARTIN It’s the school holidays, but from one classroom not far from Kampala a song by Sia blasts out through the windows. “I put my armour on, show you how strong I am. I’ll put my armour on, I’ll show you that I am, I’m unstoppable.” Inside, a group of girls decide on […]

A dream fulfilled

BY ANNAH MARY TUSIIME Rachel’s is a story of a life that was forever changed. She was raised by a single mother who farmed other people’s gardens for a living and, with the little she had, she supported Rachel until Senior 4 (aged 15 years). Unable to find any lasting work within her community, Rachel’s […]

Teaching Teachers to Play

BY JANET GAUKROGER Janet Gaukroger has been working with our partner network CRANE in Uganda for over 10 years. On her most recent visit last month, she helped lead a learning retreat for ten young women who are training to be early childhood teachers. She tells of her experience meeting the group of soon-to-be teachers […]

Hygiene training protects Nepali communities

The Nepal earthquake almost three years ago left thousands living in temporary shelter. Community rehabilitation is a continual process, which carries on long after global media attention has faded away. CarNet Nepal (Viva’s Partner Network in Nepal) has been working on a central tenant of rehabilitation and ongoing community health effort: training in hygiene care. […]

One global family

Anna Cox writes about one of Viva’s added values: how our family approach enables cross-cultural learning and increases expertise – and ultimately change children’s situations for the better. We’re really excited about how children’s lives are being changed by the work of our partner networks in local communities around the world – these stories are evidence that […]

The etiquette of holidays and hugs

BY HANNAH BARR The Girl Scouts of America caused quite the media storm this week when they posted the article ‘Reminder: She Doesn’t Owe Anyone a Hug. Not Even at the Holidays.’ The article, designed to illustrate the importance of teaching young girls about consent, has caused a debate between what constitutes awareness of consent and […]