Fearfully and wonderfully made

BY HANNAH BARR Anti-Bullying Week (13-17 November) is organised by the Anti-Bullying Alliance – a group of charities, education trusts, county councils and other organisations committed to seeing an end to bullying and supporting those who have been bullied. This year’s theme for the week is ‘All Different, All Equal.’ Coinciding with Anti-Bullying Week, the […]

Lava Floors and Magic Helmets

BY HANNAH BARR At Doorsteps, we’re now a few weeks in to the second year of running Find Your Fire, our youth leadership development programme. We’ve had such a strong start to the year and have been really blown away by how much interest and enthusiasm there has been for the project from young people, […]

Doorsteps partnership growing in Oxford

  Viva has hosted an informal evening in Oxford to share the good news about our growing network of local churches and organisations that are empowering disadvantaged young people. It’s almost three years since the formation of Doorsteps, which began with a research project to identify the needs for children and families, find the gaps […]