Four tips to encourage your church to work with others

Services for vulnerable families in the UK are being squeezed at a time of unprecedented demand. Churches are particularly well placed to offer meaningful support but there are, of course, significant barriers to growing this work, such as lack of volunteers, finances and in-depth understanding. Both the scale of need in the community and the […]

Doorsteps partnership growing in Oxford

  Viva has hosted an informal evening in Oxford to share the good news about our growing network of local churches and organisations that are empowering disadvantaged young people. It’s almost three years since the formation of Doorsteps, which began with a research project to identify the needs for children and families, find the gaps […]

Churches’ crucial role in supporting local families

‘Father to the fatherless, defender of widows, this is God, whose dwelling is holy. He places the lonely in families.’ (Psalm 68: 5-6a, NLT) This scripture perfectly sums up what our growing Oxford-based network Doorsteps is all about.  This action is needed now more than ever in Oxfordshire as the County Council is closing 44 […]