My work experience: Singing and scoops

BY ELEANOR SIMPSON From singing with toddlers to eating two great big scoops of Banoffee ice cream with a local boys’ group… These are two of the events I was fortunate enough to attend run by Doorsteps, Viva’s partner network in Oxford, which creates partnerships of hope for children and young people in Oxford and […]

Mental health: helping young people flourish

BY ANDREW DUBOCK The mental health challenges of our children and young people can feel like a hopeless situation. One in eight 5 to 19 year olds has a diagnosable mental health condition, yet only a quarter of these have had contact with specialists in the past year. This statistic, released by NHS Digital in […]

Viva showcases a variety of art at Oxford exhibition

Viva is hosting an exhibition for Oxfordshire Artweeks 2019 created by staff and friends, inspired by working with vulnerable children around the world – from those working in youth services in Oxfordshire to refugee camps in the Middle East and to children on the streets of Delhi. The exhibition will run from 4th-11th May (excluding […]

Finding Fire, under-fives and further ways to work together

Doorsteps, Viva’s partner network in Oxford, which launched four years ago, is continuing to lead a co-ordinated response to some of the most pressing needs facing vulnerable children and young people in the city. Here’s a short update on three key areas of work. FLOURISHING UNDER 5S During the autumn, we ran a successful and […]