Meeting common goals in Kampala

Read about an Annual General Meeting in Uganda that showcases the power of strong connections across the whole society – and why protecting children is everyone’s business. The end of the Financial Year can be a stressful time for many preparing financial records, updating records, and pushing to close as many deadlines as possible. However, […]

Seven more years for Uganda girls’ education project

BY ANDREW DUBOCK Following on from our four-year girls’ catch-up education programme in Kampala, Viva and its Uganda-based partner network CRANE have secured a new seven-year contract with the British government’s Department for International Development (DFID) to continue to build on and increase this crucial work. By 2024, it will directly benefit almost 10,000 girls, […]

Ending violence in Ugandan schools

A school within CRANE, Viva’s partner network in Uganda, is preventing violence in the classroom and in the wider community – and so changing the culture in a country where many schoolchildren continue to face physical and sexual abuse. Mim Friday reports on how big a problem violence in schools is and the way forward […]

School starter packs for 1,000 girls

Going back to school is exciting but expensive! And it’s especially difficult if your family is unable to meet the costs of the essential items needed – stationery, books and uniform. We’ve got 1,000 teenage girls in Uganda ready and enthused to be educated – but they urgently need a basic ‘back to school’ kit. […]