Symbols of hope in Syria and Lebanon

BY KEZIA M’CLELLAND It can seem on the surface that things in Syria are improving because the country is out of our mainstream news in the West. However, in fact, the situation remains very difficult and dangerous. In partnership with the Lebanon-based NGO, MERATH, we have been running three Child Friendly Spaces (CFS) inside Syria, […]

“We trust you”: the power of relationship

BY KEZIA M’CLELLAND This Spring, Eastern Ghouta, 10km from the centre of Damascus, saw seven weeks of intense bombardment and destruction, in which at least 301 children lost their lives. It’s easy to feel helpless as we watch situations like this unfold and, as the fighting continues outside the headlines, it can be hard to […]

Making peace in Syria

The stories in the news from Syria in recent weeks and months make difficult reading; it can be hard to know how to engage with a situation which seem so difficult and almost hopeless. It is in these most difficult circumstances that Viva is partnering with three teams of young leaders who are running ‘child […]