“Being a child ambassador has built the inner me”

16-year-old Jackie in Kampala, Uganda told us what Viva’s Child Ambassadors programme means to her. What is your name and where did you grow up?My name is Jackie. I grew up in a small village in Wakiso District in central Uganda. How did you first hear about CRANE?Far back when I was still in primary […]

Off the streets and into families

BY EMMA STONEHOUSE Prevention of and rescuing children from a life on the street – through families. Over the last three years, Viva’s partner network in Kampala, CRANE, has rescued and resettled 795 street children into families. It is estimated that 15,000 children live on the streets of Uganda, almost all experiencing some form of abuse. […]

Ending violence in Ugandan schools

A school within CRANE, Viva’s partner network in Uganda, is preventing violence in the classroom and in the wider community – and so changing the culture in a country where many schoolchildren continue to face physical and sexual abuse. Mim Friday reports on how big a problem violence in schools is and the way forward […]

Mobile libraries and missing shoes

Reflecting on his recent visit to Uganda, Viva’s Monitoring and Evaluation Manager Martin Hull writes about some of the people he met, stories he heard and sights he saw – and the impact our partner network CRANE is making for vulnerable children. Here are some snippets of what he wrote.