An incredible force for good

BY BRIAN WILKINSON The 38 networks that partner with Viva connect 2,324 churches and 1,152 organisations – but these numbers do not tell us the real story. What has motivated and inspired me over the years has been meeting the heroes and heroines who sacrificially give their lives to serve children at risk. Over the last […]

Floating Churches & Firm Foundations

BY JUSTINE DEMMER Justine Demmer, Viva’s Network Consultant for Asia, gives us a glimpse into a recent trip to Cambodia where she visited a floating church, and the children who call it home. I step outside of our accommodation in Siem Riep, North-Western Cambodia to find an open wagon drawn by a motorcycle. Our child […]

Double Impact of Global Christmas Parties

BY ANNA COX & VICTORIA PRICE More than twice the number of children attended a Christmas Party supported by Viva in December last year than in 2016. The total number of children reached was over 9,500, and incredibly, a third of these children had never encountered a Viva partner network in any way before. These […]

Challenging a Culture of Online Abuse

The scourge of online sexual exploitation continues to attack children in nefarious ways. Philippine Children’s Ministries Network (PCMN), Viva’s partner network in the Philippines, is about to embark on a programme to combat digital abuse in Dasmariñas City, near Manila – focusing on the potential of youth advocates. Dasmariñas City has the highest number of […]

App Calls Out Abuse

BY JAIME TERCERO A brand new mobile app has been launched by our partner network Red Viva Nicaragua allowing users to report instances of abuse or bullying to local authorities anonymously, writes Jaime Tercero. Six out of ten children in Nicaragua have experienced domestic violence at home and 75 per cent reported witnessing violence at […]

One global family

Anna Cox writes about one of Viva’s added values: how our family approach enables cross-cultural learning and increases expertise – and ultimately change children’s situations for the better. We’re really excited about how children’s lives are being changed by the work of our partner networks in local communities around the world – these stories are evidence that […]

Global Goals Week: Blog Series Introduction

This week, whilst leaders worldwide gather in New York City for the UN General Assembly the UN is launching Global Goals Week to be an annual week of ‘action, awareness and accountability’ of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These goals were agreed in September 2015 by 93 countries who aim to achieve them by 2030. […]