My work experience: Singing and scoops

BY ELEANOR SIMPSON From singing with toddlers to eating two great big scoops of Banoffee ice cream with a local boys’ group… These are two of the events I was fortunate enough to attend run by Doorsteps, Viva’s partner network in Oxford, which creates partnerships of hope for children and young people in Oxford and […]

Top tips: look after your wellbeing

Sarah Ingram from Fegans shares three crucial ways for parents to improve their own wellbeing, and therefore be best placed to meet the complex needs of their children. Being a parent is tough, especially when juggling multiple commitments such as work, extended family, friends, and the stresses related to your child’s school such as homework […]

Mental health: helping young people flourish

BY ANDREW DUBOCK The mental health challenges of our children and young people can feel like a hopeless situation. One in eight 5 to 19 year olds has a diagnosable mental health condition, yet only a quarter of these have had contact with specialists in the past year. This statistic, released by NHS Digital in […]

Viva showcases a variety of art at Oxford exhibition

Viva is hosting an exhibition for Oxfordshire Artweeks 2019 created by staff and friends, inspired by working with vulnerable children around the world – from those working in youth services in Oxfordshire to refugee camps in the Middle East and to children on the streets of Delhi. The exhibition will run from 4th-11th May (excluding […]

Finding Fire, under-fives and further ways to work together

Doorsteps, Viva’s partner network in Oxford, which launched four years ago, is continuing to lead a co-ordinated response to some of the most pressing needs facing vulnerable children and young people in the city. Here’s a short update on three key areas of work. FLOURISHING UNDER 5S During the autumn, we ran a successful and […]

Top tips to keep your children safer online

Digitalisation means children now have the world at their fingertips. And with nearly three-quarters of pre-teens in the UK now owning a smartphone they have untold opportunities to learn, explore and communicate online. But with the freedom of the digital world there are also serious risks. Carolyn Bunting, CEO of Internet Matters, shares advice for […]