Local saints: Esther’s story

Esther felt a strong call from God to tell vulnerable girls in Kampala, Uganda about their hope for a better, safer future. Community mentor Esther locates girls who are out of school. She works with the girl and their family to discuss whether catch-up learning, run by Viva and our partner network CRANE, could help […]

Local saints: Sister Veena’s story

Sister Veena draws her inspiration from Jesus, who walked from village to village proclaiming good news to the poor, the outcast, and the neglected. She leads an organisation in Patna, India that protects children in vulnerable situations, particularly those of travelling migrant workers, many of whom have drug and gambling addictions. Becoming part of Viva’s […]

Local saints: Arturo’s story

In faith, Arturo has stepped out to pastor a pioneering youth church in Alajualita, the least developed city in Costa Rica. Many children living there have six or more siblings, and spend much of their time in often-dangerous work. Arturo soon realised that education was the only way to break the cycle of abuse and […]