New Beginnings and Fresh Starts

BY VICTORIA PRICE Health educators through Viva’s partner network, CRANE, in Uganda, are being equipped with life-saving knowledge on maternal and child health, which they are passing on to local communities through their peer-to-peer activities. Eighteen peer educators in two districts in Kampala have now reached over 1,000 parents and their children. With increased maternal […]

Safety nets and skills training

Victoria Price looks back on a year full of child protection projects by our partner network CRANE in Uganda, highlighting three exciting ways in which children’s lives have been transformed. Many children in the city of Kampala do not receive the level of protection they should have. Due to widespread poverty and inequality, children are […]

Seven more years for Uganda girls’ education project

BY ANDREW DUBOCK Following on from our four-year girls’ catch-up education programme in Kampala, Viva and its Uganda-based partner network CRANE have secured a new seven-year contract with the British government’s Department for International Development (DFID) to continue to build on and increase this crucial work. By 2024, it will directly benefit almost 10,000 girls, […]

Encouraging Learning for Deaf Children

BY VICTORIA PRICE A new textbook has been launched by Viva’s partner network CRANE in Uganda, which creates brand new learning opportunities for deaf primary school-aged students in Kampala, through the creative use of pictures, videos and sign language tools. According to UNICEF, approximately 2.5 million children in Uganda live with some form of disability, […]

Teaching Teachers to Play

BY JANET GAUKROGER Janet Gaukroger has been working with our partner network CRANE in Uganda for over 10 years. On her most recent visit last month, she helped lead a learning retreat for ten young women who are training to be early childhood teachers. She tells of her experience meeting the group of soon-to-be teachers […]

Double Impact of Global Christmas Parties

BY ANNA COX & VICTORIA PRICE More than twice the number of children attended a Christmas Party supported by Viva in December last year than in 2016. The total number of children reached was over 9,500, and incredibly, a third of these children had never encountered a Viva partner network in any way before. These […]

The Lifeline of Peer Education

BY VICTORIA PRICE Peer educators trained by our partner network CRANE in Uganda, are repeatedly reporting the on-going horrors of still births and malnourishment of babies as a direct result of the lack of basic maternal education among women in slum areas. In spite of the change witnessed within the lives they have touched since […]

One global family

Anna Cox writes about one of Viva’s added values: how our family approach enables cross-cultural learning and increases expertise – and ultimately change children’s situations for the better. We’re really excited about how children’s lives are being changed by the work of our partner networks in local communities around the world – these stories are evidence that […]

Ending violence in Ugandan schools

A school within CRANE, Viva’s partner network in Uganda, is preventing violence in the classroom and in the wider community – and so changing the culture in a country where many schoolchildren continue to face physical and sexual abuse. Mim Friday reports on how big a problem violence in schools is and the way forward […]