Meeting common goals in Kampala

Read about an Annual General Meeting in Uganda that showcases the power of strong connections across the whole society – and why protecting children is everyone’s business. The end of the Financial Year can be a stressful time for many preparing financial records, updating records, and pushing to close as many deadlines as possible. However, […]

Growing in confidence

A new discipleship programme in Zambia aims to involve young people in learning how to protect themselves by taking them on a journey of self-discovery, learning who they are in Christ. ‘Discipleship’ is currently running in six different communities in Lusaka, Zambia. Each community was asked to suggest twenty 12-18 year-olds to attend, particularly focusing […]

“Being a child ambassador has built the inner me”

16-year-old Jackie in Kampala, Uganda told us what Viva’s Child Ambassadors programme means to her. What is your name and where did you grow up?My name is Jackie. I grew up in a small village in Wakiso District in central Uganda. How did you first hear about CRANE?Far back when I was still in primary […]

Shelter from the storm

Viva’s growing reputation as a specialist in protecting children in emergency situations has led us to supporting partners to deliver training in Malawi and Mozambique this year following the devastation of Cyclone Idai. Kezia M’Clelland writes about the impact of this work. “After the cyclone we were very traumatised; the buildings were severely damaged and […]

Resilience in uncertainty

How do you break the cycle of violence and abuse against children in a city where things are seemingly getting worse, not better? Kay Lorentz from Resilient Kids in Cape Town, South Africa says Viva’s collaborative model through the Connect Network is crucial in shaping children’s futures. For the majority of children in South Africa, […]

Lusaka life offers much

Marabeth Madsen, from the USA, reflects on life in Zambia and describes how she is supporting Viva’s partner network as part of her Master’s placement. Black smoke belching from construction trucks and crowded mini-bus taxis. Trees being cleared for road expansions. People standing between lanes at rush-hour selling just about anything they can buy cheaply […]

“I’ve learned how to support my baby”

BY ELEANOR SIMPSON With the support of Viva and its partner network, CRANE, teenage mothers in Kampala, Uganda, are now able to return to school whilst free child care is provided for their babies. They also receive training, which provides them with knowledge about how to best take care of their young children. The family […]

Off the streets and into families

BY EMMA STONEHOUSE Prevention of and rescuing children from a life on the street – through families. Over the last three years, Viva’s partner network in Kampala, CRANE, has rescued and resettled 795 street children into families. It is estimated that 15,000 children live on the streets of Uganda, almost all experiencing some form of abuse. […]