From evil, good

BY MARK STAVERS, VIVA’S CHIEF EXECUTIVE Viva has a presence in 66 cities in 22 countries around the world by partnering with networks of local churches that help vulnerable children in those cities. Our work connects people together, which is a good thing in itself because many of the people working on the frontline need […]

Breaking the cycle of gender inequality

OPINION: BARONESS CAROLINE COX When inequality is ingrained in society, it becomes a self-perpetuating cycle that is difficult to break. In many countries, there is gender discrimination against girls and women through all stages of life. Before birth, girl foeticide is practised in places including China and India. This is often for financial reasons including […]

Global Goals Week: Gender Equality

Goal 5 of the Sustainable Development Goals focuses on Gender Equality. Gender norms and practices continue to hinder opportunities for women and girls worldwide. The targets under this goal go far deeper than the Millennium Development Goal (MGD) equivalent. In 2000, Goal 3 of the MDGs was to ‘Promote gender equality and empower women’. This […]

Churches’ crucial role in supporting local families

‘Father to the fatherless, defender of widows, this is God, whose dwelling is holy. He places the lonely in families.’ (Psalm 68: 5-6a, NLT) This scripture perfectly sums up what our growing Oxford-based network Doorsteps is all about.  This action is needed now more than ever in Oxfordshire as the County Council is closing 44 […]