Remembering our friend, Devesh

It is with great sadness that we must tell you that our friend and colleague, Devesh Lal – one of Viva’s Network Consultants in India – passed away suddenly last week, aged 57 years old, following illness and a short time spent in hospital.

The news of his death has come as a terrible shock and his passing a devastating loss for his family, church community in Patna, our partner networks in India and for Viva globally.

During his nine years working for Viva in India, Devesh was hugely instrumental in advocating for the rights of the girl child, in developing partner networks in Patna, Ranchi and Shillong, in training church leaders and volunteers about child protection issues and in mentoring girls about life skills. He was also there to hand over food relief to flood victims in Patna in October 2019.

He was incredibly well-networked and greatly known and respected, not only in his home city of Patna, but also in many cities and regions of India, and internationally too.


Devesh’s close colleague, Gary Kamaal, Viva’s India Director, has journeyed alongside Devesh during this time. He says, “Wherever Devesh and I went together, and whatever challenging situations we faced at work, Devesh brought patience and the grace of Jesus.

“Doing ministry work with Devesh was more about people care than plans and achieving targets. Devesh had a pastoral heart for everyone, all the time.

“From a girl of ten years in the project or for the project manager, Devesh had the same care and valued them equally. I am yet to meet anyone who had that gift of grace from God with him all the time.

“The grace and care (anugraha), and the patience and peace (shalom), that Devesh had and lived out, is the best Christian witness to me in this day and age.

The example of gracious Christian living Devesh modelled for me and many more is the most valuable legacy he leaves behind. Now it is our job to include more of that caring grace in our lives as a fitting tribute to Devesh.”


Mark Stavers, Viva’s CEO, paid tribute to Devesh this week, saying, “Some of the work Devesh has done with us in Viva has not just affected children’s lives in Patna or even India, but across the 28 countries that Viva works in.

He was a giant of a man who was very, very much loved by us all and will be missed greatly. He was wise, gentle, humble, servant-hearted and gracious.

“He was known for his passion and commitment to the girl child and when he spoke of them with people in the UK often reduced people to tears. He was an advocate for the children he served and spoke with quiet authority. We have lost a friend much too early and a powerful advocate for God’s kingdom.”


Speaking on video as part of Viva’s Christmas Appeal in 2016, which was on the theme of mentoring girls in India, Devesh said, “People sympathise with me because I have three daughters. Whoever asks me how many children I have, I say, ‘three daughters,’ and they say, ‘sorry brother’.”

“The Church is the only vehicle that can bring a change here in people’s mindsets. We love our girls and we would like to give them opportunities.

“I have a dream that when people enter Patna – from the railway station, bus stand, road and airport – they will see that this city is a safe and happy place for girls.”


Devesh was born in Patna, Bihar state, in December 1962 in a Christian family; the youngest of three siblings. His father was a police officer and an ordained pastor of the local Baptist church. His mother was a government servant.

Devesh gained a degree and a Masters in Economics at Patna University and earned his post-graduation in Economics.

Following his studies Devesh served in the field of Medical Diagnostics for almost 16 years, rising to the status of director.

In 2005, he left the corporate sector and joined India Mission as a co-ordinator and district pastor for the district of Patna and Nalanda. He supported around 200 evangelists and workers in the organisation, and oversaw the church planting work in both the districts.

In addition, Devesh also worked as Project Manager in a two-year project on a reproductive health project in three districts. In 2009, he joined Christian AIDS National Alliance as its Delhi co-ordinator before joining Viva in 2011.

Over many years, Devesh has engaged in activities with other Christian organisations, including Transform World, YMCA, Haggai Institute, 4/14 and Patna Christian Leaders Forum.

Please pray

Please hold those closest to Devesh in your prayers – particularly his wife of 30 years and their three daughters. Pray that God would strengthen and comfort them through this time of grieving, and for courage in the days, weeks and months ahead.

Pray too for Gary, the Viva India team and the Network Co-ordinators who will all miss Devesh hugely.

2 thoughts on “Remembering our friend, Devesh

  1. Devesh will be indeed sorely missed.
    A servant of the Lord; a true encourager of the brethren and a devout follower of Christ.
    We are saddened and grieve along with the family.
    Jesus said ‘ I am the resurrection and the life…” John 11:25
    We will see him one day on the heavenly shores.

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