Exposing hidden abuses in Paraguay


Unthinkably, 61 per cent of ten to eighteen year-olds in Paraguay have experienced some form of violence or mistreatment from their closest family members.

Violence against children remains an issue largely hidden inside the walls of homes, and consequently it is left unaddressed and ignored. Our partner network in Paraguay believes that this should not be the case.

The network is equipping and mobilising the Church to be the hands and feet, working to protect children and address violence against children in their communities.

Crucial support

The network is training members of churches and local organisations to identify signs of abuse and report cases. These local groups form a crucial part of the pastoral and practical support of children suffering abuse, and the consequential the action taken.

They accompany individuals who have faced abuse and violence through the protection systems in place, act as intermediaries between the victims and the different aspects of the protection systems, and provide essential pastoral support through the processes.

Working with The Centre of Opportunities for Childhood, Adolescents and Family (CONAF), the programme is able to provide counselling, education about rights and the protection of them, and legal support for victims.

This support has resulted in positive outcomes of situations which would have otherwise remained unaddressed and ignored – like that of Cinthia.

They are coming alongside people like Cinthia. Two of Cinthia’s daughters were victims of sexual abuse, but despite the abuse being proven there were no charges against the accuser. With the help of the network, Cinthia and her daughters were given advice and guidance on their case that provided solutions for gaps in their case; which led to good progress, with the abuser awaiting a firm conviction in the next few months.

Good Treatment 

Our partner network in Paraguay also works to raise awareness of the good treatment and rights of children, and therefore prevent violence from occurring; exposing the otherwise hidden issue.

Viva’s Good Treatment Campaign increases the awareness of violence against children, bringing it increasingly into public discussion. It works to change the attitudes of children and adults, through educating and increasing their exposure to positive messaging and action.

Five schools and 23 churches, reaching a combined 6,223 children in their community, have committed to run the Good Treatment campaign in the coming months, which will help to positively change the lives and experiences of many children in the future.

Please join with the work of the network in prayer:

  • Praise the Lord for the positive outcome of Cinthia’s case, and pray strength and peace over other families currently trying to gain justice for abuse they have suffered.
  • Pray for the volunteers who are part of the support committees. Pray for guidance and peace when dealing with challenging situations which they face.
  • Pray for the Good Treatment Campaign; that the message is well-received, and protects more children in the city from violence in homes.

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