Lester: “I’m committed to care for children”

Lester, a young adult from Honduras, shares his story of why his mindset about children has been turned around through the work of Viva’s partner network in his community.

My name’s Lester, I am 19 years old and I am a volunteer with Red Viva Honduras, especially in helping to lead its Good Treatment Campaign.*

Currently I am starting a small computer repair business in my house, in San Marcos de Colón, Choluteca, Honduras. It is beautiful where I live, with mountains all around us.

However, despite being a community that looks calm, it has high rates of alcoholism and inter-family violence, particularly affecting both children and for women.

Red Viva Honduras is benefiting the children of five churches in this area. Leaders have received training on the prevention of inter-family violence and on issues of protection for children.

These five churches are members of the child protection board and are trained in public advocacy issues. In this way, 54 young people have so far been reached as a result of the training.

Before I knew about the network, I viewed children like adults. The care of children was not a priority for me; although I was aware of the violence children faced, I did not give importance to it.

Some of my friends were volunteers with Red Viva; I went to a meeting with them and, from there, I committed myself to the work too.

Personally, my way of thinking has changed from the training and the volunteering I do with the network. Now I see the future differently, and the network has opened other spaces for us as young people to participate. I am a very happy and active young person in my community and church.

The churches that make up the San Marcos network are small churches that give a great contribution to the community, although they need knowledge. The network’s support has helped them a lot and empowered them to change lives.

Personally, Red Viva has helped me to get closer to God and to share with other Christians. It has made me more committed to God and to the care of children.

Let us pray together for Honduras, and for the network to grow: so that I can share the issues and so we can all change our mentality – and so that Honduras can truly change.

* Viva’s Good Treatment Campaign shares positive messages about better treatment of children, and advocates for change in individuals and across cities. Last year, in Honduras, a total of 41 churches were involved in running the Campaign, with over 3,500 children promoting it, and reaching 348 adults.

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