Local saints: Sister Veena’s story

Sister Veena draws her inspiration from Jesus, who walked from village to village proclaiming good news to the poor, the outcast, and the neglected.

She leads an organisation in Patna, India that protects children in vulnerable situations, particularly those of travelling migrant workers, many of whom have drug and gambling addictions. Becoming part of Viva’s partner network in Patna has equipped Veena’s organisation with the knowledge of how to best safeguard children.

Sister Veena and her co-workers have rehabilitated hundreds of children who, when returning to their own villages, will no longer perpetuate the cycle of addiction and abuse, but rather carry new hope for the future.

She says:  “Seeing children break free from addiction was simply a joy for us. I want to be the messenger of that good news. The hope that Jesus offers to those who are suffering is peace. It is through our hands today that he reaches out to these children.”


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