Running for a reason

Last month, 12 runners completed their runs in the 渣打香港馬拉松 Standard Chartered HK Marathon in Hong Kong – drumming up more than HKD 100,000 for Viva’s work with vulnerable children.

We’re really grateful for those who took part and those who supported with sponsorship and in other ways too.

Here, two of the runners share short reflections on the experience.


Nigel Raymont

“I ran for Viva as a member of their first-ever team to raise funds about eight years ago. I love running – started in my mid-50s and never looked back. I realised that I could combine two passions – running and raising funds for a great cause. So running for Viva was born out of pursuing a love for both.

“This year’s Standard Chartered was as gripping as ever. Due to a mix-up at the start, I was late out of the grid so needed to run hard to catch up with the many in my race group. This provided much-needed motivation – no way was I going to be a straggler! Result: 2hrs 14mins, which isn’t bad for a retired guy. Who knows, next time I’ll go ‘sub-2’. More importantly I have helped Viva!

And by the way if I hit ten years running for Viva, Rachael’s promised me a gold running t-shirt!”

Nigel Raymont

Jacky (left)

“Running itself is an energising physical activity. Yet, running for a good cause like Viva lifts it up to another level. Every child has the potential to excel and I believe in the work of Viva to raise awareness about children’s rights globally. We are lucky to be born in a developed city like Hong Kong. With this privilege, I am always happy to join Viva in releasing children from poverty and abuse worldwide.

“Running the Hong Kong marathon has never been easy given its challenging race course and the high humidity. However, knowing that I was doing it with Viva for the better future of many underprivileged children made me challenge myself fully every time. Thanks Viva for making it happen.”

Jacky Chung

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