Creative blessings

A simple gesture can make the world of difference!

Children at a school in Marawi City in the Philippines who were displaced by conflict hold beautifully decorated notebooks produced by children in Hong Kong.

The Filipino children have received the notebooks as gifts from Fe Foronda, National Director of PCMN – Viva’s partner network in the Philippines – who visited the school, met the children last week and was delighted to see how they were being used as cherished gifts.

One hundred notebooks were decorated by children at The Vine Church in Hong Kong during its Vacation Bible School. Children were given blank notebooks, markers, glitter and stickers and asked to decorate them and write a note to a child from Basak Elementary School in Marawi City.

In the Philippines, PCMN continues to work to counsel traumatised children and families, empower Child Ambassadors and advocate for the strengthening of families.

A big thank you to The Vine Church for supporting this project.


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