Testimonies: WWP 2017


We have heard many powerful and encouraging testimonies from the World Weekend of Prayer 2017 and want to share these encouraging stories to show how powerful prayer can be and how inspiring it can be to be involved in a global prayer movement like this.

Testimony of Marylou, co-ordinator of a comprehensive care centre.
“As a comprehensive care center, they prayed for sick children during the World Weekend of Prayer and with the children they prayed for medical care for all children and for doctors to come to the centre because many children cannot go to receive medical care in hospitals for economic and cultural reasons.

“The Lord answered their prayer and doctors visited the centre to make a medical appraisal for the children. They felt the love of God because they not only received this blessing but also received free dental care at the center for the children.

“Marylou and the children are very grateful to the Lord for he heard the cry of your requests and prayers.”

Testimony of a child:
“Patrido says that initially he was not attracted to the idea of praying for others. He thought it was in vain and boring when he played at the comprehensive care center to intercede for his parents who are separated. During the World Weekend of Prayer event he prayed for his parents to be together again. Patrido says that now that the Lord is answering his prayers because his father came to visit him and he is noticing signs of his father wanting to get closer to his family. He now says he will continue praying for the family to be together again.”

“In Carabobo, the testimony of a girl who sang impacted all who attended the World Weekend of Prayer event. During the whole week before the event, she was at rest with a bronchospasm. She could not sing and was very sad because she wanted to do it on Saturday in the activity.

“After praying, her mother sang a song of recovery that speaks of healing. The Lord in his infinite mercy, restored the little girl´s voice and she was able to sing that same song on Saturday 3th June. No one who had heard of her state of health, could understand how she was able to sing that day – The Lord was Glorified.”

“We participated to pray for the vulnerable children on Saturday and Sunday respectively. We believe that if we ask God anything, He is faithful to answer our prayers. All that was tabled before Him on Saturday and Sunday, we believe out of the mouth of babies and infants God ordained strength.

“We thank God for the privilege to join the world to pray for children at risk what a wonderful time in the presence of God. As we prayed we felt the Holy Spirit is saying that He will heal our Land and Revival will be experienced worldwide as a result of our cry to Him in unity. Praise the Lord.”

“My name is Chiranjiv. I am 9 years old and I live with my family in Patna. My younger brother Kundanlal had a hole in his heart by birth. The Doctors told my parents that he will not survive. My family was very upset with this development as we are very poor to do anything. He was very weak and sick.

“Over the last year I started to attend Sunday school and church with my family, and from there I learned that Jesus answers our prayers. I started to pray regularly for my brother Kundanlal. I love my brother very much and wanted to play with him every day. I am very happy that God has answered my prayers and my younger brother is doing fine. At present he is four years old.”

Dominican Republic
“The Biblical presentation and reflection on the importance of children from the heart of a child was shared to more than 200 people in one of the integral care centers. This reflection was recorded on video. The integration of Country Directors of Schools in the devotional is a declaration of the marvels of God.”

“Thank God that through prayer many churches and schools participated and the event is opening doors for the government to get involved, many families were blessed. For example, the life of little Paulino.

“One of his great wishes was to have a decent home to live and thank God his prayer was answered on June 14th the social worker together with the Ministry of Housing approved the construction of his house. We also believe that many prayers were answered to thousands of Panamanian children.”

“In one event, they wrote the names of each child on pieces of paper and asked each child to pray for another. In the week on June 3rd, church members visited the homes of these children. They were impacted by the prayers.

“They had asked God for the children’s parents not to beat them anymore, or to drink. They prayed with tears in their eyes and God´s presence was felt in that moment. On June 4th for the Glory and honor of God the majority of the parents went to the Church and are now attending as they have been discipled.”

“It was special because the parents from vulnerable areas wanted to come with their children to the event put on for the World Weekend of Prayer. We hires a bus and brought them, but when they arrived at the celebration, the parents were “frightened” to see how the children got into the “river” of the Holy Spirit and were filled with joy and praise. The parents were “frightened” to see this and wanted to leave but then the Lord convinced them to stay, making them feel like VIP guests.”

“In Medellin, a group of people who were doing a “Bible Study”, seeing the children in prominence and prayer, the class was filled with joy it was really beautiful!”

“The children had the opportunity to talk about War & Peace, and how they lived in their homes. It really was very sad to hear so much abuse and abuse from adults but at the same time it was an opportunity to ‘PRAY & HEAL’ their hearts!”

South Africa
“There were three groups meeting all over East London. 25 people attended the one I led. A children’s ministry pastor led the program and did a wonderful job in leading us all through the story of Hannah and Samuel in prayer. One of the ladies that attended is a teacher. In groups we were asked to pray for children’s needs and one of the needs were chairs for children to sit on at one of the schools in our area. This teacher prayed specifically about this need.

“Our Prayer meeting took place on Saturday and on the Monday 5th June, there was an article in the newspaper highlighting this problem at the school for the Department of Education to attend to. Many of those attended said that it was a life changing experience for them and they really do realize how important children are.”

“We did indeed have a special time of prayer with our children taking part, reading prayers based on your lovely prayer book with the pictures projected on the screen above us. A lot of the congregation said how touched they were by being led in prayer by our children, also representing children across the world. I really felt we were being led by the Holy Spirit. One little boy who’s too young to read out prayers yet, and has been too shy to do something out front before, joined in with a sentence he could memorise! We will continue to look at prayer over several sessions, building on our Viva resources (including webinar).”

“The prayers have continued to be a memorable event in the network with churches joining hands in praying for children. Two organisations joined one church prayer event and prayed for children together. Five churches indicated that the event wakened their church to work with children since they were not doing it before. One church indicated that the program should be done at national level and have all churches and government ministries joining hands in praying for children.”


One thought on “Testimonies: WWP 2017

  1. I really and sincerely love this ministry about prayer and children. May God really bless the initiators.
    I am one whose heart ever cries for the vulnerable children. Recently and I picked one 9 year old girl who lived with the father alone in some slum area and I now stay with her.

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