Collaborate with us for stay and play

Following the closure of children’s centres across Oxfordshire, Doorsteps is committed to provision for under-5s.

Our dream is to start a stay and play for East Oxford which brings together other services, such as opportunities to meet health visitors, breastfeeding clinic, and other signposting… essentially a one-stop-shop for under-5s care and needs!

There is enthusiasm for the project and there are already certain things in place, such as a venue. What we are looking for are people who are willing to partner with Doorsteps in some way to make this dream a reality. If you would like to be involved in any way – as a volunteer at the stay and play itself, helping to get the project off the ground, or able to offer any support or advice – please do get in touch! Please contact Hannah at Doorsteps by email or call 01865 811660.

Do you run a toddler group or provide activities for under-5s and their parents/carers? We would love to hear from you.

  • Are more families coming to your sessions after the closure of children’s centres?
  • If so, what challenges and opportunities does this bring?
  • What support do you need to respond effectively to these challenges and opportunities?

In partnership with the Diocese of Oxford and Oxfordshire County Council, Doorsteps is planning gatherings to discuss these questions as well as offer support and training to local church-based toddler groups. Confirmed dates are:

  • Thursday 21 September (evening) – North Oxfordshire
  • Tuesday 10 October (evening) – Oxford City
  • Tuesday 17 October (afternoon) – South and Vale

Venues to be confirmed.

Email Hannah to register your interest in attending these events.

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