Baking to help girls go back to school

Vivabake2016 (1) (003)Hello, I’m Marnie & I’m 9, I have a sister called Brooke who is 5.

We want to tell you about our cake sale this September:

Last year Mum & I baked to raise money for Viva’s GEC project and my church loved it. I remember a certain person who asked “when are you going to make some more of those yummy cakes?” So we thought we’d do it again: this year my sister wanted to be involved:Vivabake2016 (5)

  • First we set a date
  • We told our church family “cakes are coming!”
  • Then we started baking!

We both worked hard for a week baking
chocolate brownies, cupcakes, gingerbread teddies, flap jack, chocolate fridge cake & a large sponge cake… (Mum helped us a little!)

high fiveWe did this for Viva’s GEC project which gets girls back into school in Uganda. We get to go to school every week day, but girls in other countries don’t have this option always, that means they don’t have as many options in their lives. It costs about £50 for one child to have all the equipment she needs to start at school. Last year we sent enough money to get 6 girls started in school, this year we wanted to send more! I was trying to beat my record….

The bake sale went really well – people were generous, they donated money & took cake home for Sunday lunch. We had fun serving up cake to the people & even got a couple of pieces left over to enjoy in the end!

Vivabake2016 (7)We send £450 to Viva this year so that means 9 more girls can start school – I’ve helped 15 in total – isn’t that a lot?! Every pound someone gives helps a little bit more. If my sister & I (5 & 9 years old) can do this – why can’t you?

Try it!!

One thought on “Baking to help girls go back to school

  1. Marnie, you are wonderful! Your cakes look delicious (and your gingerbread people very well-dressed) and you have raised so much money to help girls in Uganda. I am very inspired.

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