Nepal earthquake: one year on

thumbnailOn 25 April 2015, the largest earthquake in 80 years hit Nepal. One year on, we want to share a few stories of how our partner network, CarNet Nepal, has brought relief and hope to children and families affected.




DhanLike many people, Dhan lost his home in the earthquake. He, his wife and two small children started sleeping out in the open air. After a few days he found some wood and began making a temporary shelter. However this did not protect them from the rain or cold and the rainy season was on its way…

Along with 135 other families in his village, CarNet Nepal provided training and materials for Dhan to build a secure and weatherproof shelter out of corrugated iron. He finished building it just before the monsoon started and was grateful that he and his family were kept snug and dry.

One year on, Dhan and others have now started to construct permanent homes.

Ayush is nine years old. Several months after the earthquake, Ayush was still in shock and found it difficult to go about daily life. At night he suffered from bad dreams which left him shivering or sweating. He lost his appetite and no longer liked playing with his friends, preferring instead to stay inside, holding his mother’s hand.

AyushThen one week, he went to a special five-day camp run by CarNet Nepal in partnership with Operation Safe. The camp was designed to provide psychological first aid to children and help them overcome situations of trauma.

Along with other children, he took part in games and craft activities. He learnt that he was not alone in what he experienced and was encouraged to talk through how he was feeling.

After the camp, Ayush’s mother began noticing a small but gradual improvement. Ayush slowly began to play with his friends and eventually returned to school.

Ayush was among 2,500 children who attended one of these camps.

In January, Masina began preparing for her final school examinations but was finding it difficult to study. Since the earthquake, she has lived in a tarpaulin hut with no electricity.

The sun sets at 5.30pm and after that there’s no light to study with. CarNet Nepal gave her a solar lamp which she charges up during the day. At night, she turns the light on, allowing her to read, write and prepare for her finals.

Masina has hope for the future now that her education is back on track again.


These are just three stories – there are many more. CarNet Nepal has helped over 19,500 people affected by the earthquake. Thank you for all you have done to support them!

Please pray for our work in Nepal, particularly for:

– Continued support and funds as communities and families rebuild houses, schools and other infrastructure.

– God’s protection over children – even one year after disasters, children are at a high risk of being trafficked and exploited.

– A group of 12 ladies who are starting up a collective potato farm after receiving training and support from CarNet Nepal.








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